Goose Lake Watershed District Commissioners MinutesFebruary 21, 2021 at 5pm via phone and video conference.
- CallToOrder–ByJeffSpitzer-Resnick@5;04P.M.
- Open Meeting Compliance – Posted physical notice at two sites and on website
- Roll Call – Jeff Spitzed-Resnick, Don Homan, Jim Remsick, Onie Karch, ChuckQuick, Guests Dan & Kim Timple
- Agenda Approval – Motion to approve by Don Homan 2nd Chuck Quick, approvedunanomous
- Minutes Approval – Motion to approve by Chuck Quick, 2nd Onie Karch, approvedunanomous
- Treasurer’s Report– As presented byJimRemsik, Motion to approve by Don Homan 2nd Chuck Quick, approved unanimous
- Open Issues
- Approve expenditures over $500.00, discuss possible future expenditure(s)and notify treasurer of upcoming expenditures of any amount. – None
- Status of purchase of land from Town of Jackson-Completed
- Review and possibly approve request for proposals to put weed harvesterstorage and maintenance building construction out for bid – Get estimate for review from Roller’s Excavating Inc. Motion by Jim Remsick, 2nd Don Homan, approved unanomous
- Water Accumulation resolution proposal – Pending resolution presented to the board by Chuck Quick. GLWD will follow progress and appears to be more pertinent to the township rather than GLWD.
- Discuss Goose Lake winter condition – Fish activity appears to be on the rise. Dan Timple pointed out that plow berms limit access to lake. The parked dock may be a problem and we need to look at solutions to better water access.
- Set next meeting date and time – March22. 2021 5 P.M,
- Any other new business-None
- Old Business: Discussion and Possible Action
- Review Annual Duty Schedule for action items and additions–The board should revisit fo clarification and possible changes/additions.
- Review GOAL/ACTION item(s) from management plan,prioritize and set schedule as needed –
- Open Forum for Public Input followed by adjournment–Adjour nmotion by Jim Remsik, 2nd Chuck Quick, Approved unanimous 5:55 P.M.