Goose Lake

GLWD Commissioners Meeting Minutes 2021/02/21

Goose Lake Watershed District Commissioners MinutesFebruary 21, 2021 at 5pm via phone and video conference.

  1. CallToOrder–ByJeffSpitzer-Resnick@5;04P.M.
  2. Open Meeting Compliance – Posted physical notice at two sites and on website
  3. Roll Call – Jeff Spitzed-Resnick, Don Homan, Jim Remsick, Onie Karch, ChuckQuick, Guests Dan & Kim Timple
  4. Agenda Approval – Motion to approve by Don Homan 2nd Chuck Quick, approvedunanomous
  5. Minutes Approval – Motion to approve by Chuck Quick, 2nd Onie Karch, approvedunanomous
  6. Treasurer’s Report– As presented byJimRemsik, Motion to approve by Don Homan 2nd Chuck Quick, approved unanimous
  7. Open Issues
    1. Approve expenditures over $500.00, discuss possible future expenditure(s)and notify treasurer of upcoming expenditures of any amount. – None
    2. Status of purchase of land from Town of Jackson-Completed
    3. Review and possibly approve request for proposals to put weed harvesterstorage and maintenance building construction out for bid – Get estimate for review from Roller’s Excavating IncMotion by Jim Remsick, 2nd Don Homan, approved unanomous
    4. Water Accumulation resolution proposal – Pending resolution presented to the board by Chuck Quick. GLWD will follow progress and appears to be more pertinent to the township rather than GLWD.
    5. Discuss Goose Lake winter condition – Fish activity appears to be on the rise. Dan Timple pointed out that plow berms limit access to lake. The parked dock may be a problem and we need to look at solutions to better water access.
    6. Set next meeting date and time – March22. 2021 5 P.M,
    7. Any other new business-None
  8. Old Business: Discussion and Possible Action
    1. Review Annual Duty Schedule for action items and additions–The board should revisit fo clarification and possible changes/additions.
    2. Review GOAL/ACTION item(s) from management plan,prioritize and set schedule as needed –
  9. Open Forum for Public Input followed by adjournment–Adjour nmotion by Jim Remsik, 2nd Chuck Quick, Approved unanimous 5:55 P.M.