Goose Lake Watershed District Commissioners Special Meeting MINUTES Saturday, June 20, 2020 via phone & video conference Meeting ID: 843 7778 8003
- OPEN MEETING COMPLIANCE – Posted in 3 places by Onie Kartch
- ROLL CALL – Jeff Spitzer-Resnick, Bill Fitzgerald, Don Homan, Onie Karch, Chuck Quick. Guests – Chet & ClaireBillings, John & Janet Mlamed, Cheryl Kunz, Dan & Kim Timpel
- AGENDA APPROVAL – Motion to approve agenda by Onie Karch, 2nd Don Homan, approve unanimous
- MINUTES APPROVAL –Motion to approve minutes by Onie Karch, 2nd Bill Fitzgerald , approve unanimous
- TREASURER’S REPORT – Presented by Bill Fitzgerald. Motion to approve treasures’ treport by Don Homan, 2ndOnie Karch, approve unanimous
- a) Approve expenditures over $500.00, discuss possible future expenditure(s) and notify treasurer of upcomingexpenditures of any amount. – None
- b) Discussion on high water/flooding mitigation, including contact with landowner(s) for possible drainage pipeplacement-Possible guest-Katie Mallum-DNR – Not available weekends. Probably set up weekday meet. Form a committee to address this issue, Jeff Spitzer-Resnick, Chris & Claire Billings will form as committee.
- c) Discussion on possible purchase of land from Town of Jackson for weed harvester and storage and maintenance building – Township has 1 acre plot available for sale (SEE ATTACHED MAPS)
- d) Discussion on possible hiring of outside weed harvester – Bill had suggested possibly doing a cutting using a contracted source. Bill also stated that we could not afford to hire a private weed cutter and continue our own harvester program.
- e) Update on negotiations to rent and remodel building for weed harvester storage and maintenance – Forward movement will need district wide meeting.
- f) Report on weed harvesting plans – Moving forward with John, Fred Nick and Don. John will also work with familiarizing Dan Timple on operation of equipment.
- g) Report on pier installation – Nick and Don to work on completion June 21-22.
- h) Discuss Goose Lake summer condition – Drop in lake ~2”. Fish conditions good crappie up to 12” northern29” plus
- i) Any other new business – None
- a) Review Annual Duty Schedule for action items and additions – None
- b) Review GOAL/ACTION item(s) from management plan, prioritize and set schedule as needed – None
- c) Any other old business – None
- Set next meeting date – July 19 / 5 P.M.
- Consider setting Annual meeting date – September 6th 1:00=1:30 / 1:30 – …
- OPEN FORUM FOR PUBLIC INPUT followed by adjournment – Motion to adjourn Chuck Quick, 2nd Onie Karch,adjourn unanimous.