Goose Lake Watershed District Meeting 1:30 PM
Sunday September 6, 2020 –in yard between 254-264 Ash St., Oxford, WI 53952
Commissioners Meeting to follow immediately after annual meeting which adjourned 4:30 P.M.
- CALL TO ORDER – Jeff Spitzer-Resnick at 4:40 P.M.
- OPEN MEETING COMPLIANCE – Mailing sent to all district residents, posted at two public locations by Onie Karch and published in [email protected]
ROLL CALL – Jeff Spitzer-Resnick, Don Homan. Bill Fitzgerald, Onie Karch, Chuck Quick newly elected commissioner Jim Remsik
- AGENDA APPROVAL – Motion to approve agenda Don Homan, 2nd Onie Karch, approved unanimous
- MINUTES APPROVAL – Motion to approve minutes Bill Fitzgerald, 2nd Onie Karch, approved unanimous
- TREASURER’S REPORT – Motion to approve treasures report Don Homan, 2nd Chuck Quick, approved unanimous
- Election of officers GLWD – Installation of Jim Remsik as new member per election result (29 total ballots, 28 votes for Jim Remsik, 1 double vote discarded). Motion to install Jim Remsik as treasurer (vacated by Bill Fitzgerald) and leave remaining members in their current positions by Onie Karch, 2nd Chuck Quick, approved unanimous.
- Any other new business – Onie Karch presented estimate of closing costs regarding purchase of town property. Motion to accept Sue Kravick’s proposal as presented, Jim Remsik, 2nd Don Homan, approved unanimous.
Set date for next meeting Sunday October 11 5:00 p.m. ADJOURN Motion and 2nd by unknown commission