5 PM Sunday, August 9, 2020 via phone & video conference Meeting ID: 890 8398 5213 Passcode: 013512 1 312 626 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89083985213?pwd=aFI0WWZncHpFSTV2U2lsZXJ2dUE2Zz09 6799
- CALL TO ORDER – Call to order 5:05 P.M. byJeff Spitzer-Resnick
- OPEN MEETING COMPLIANCE – Posted by Jeff @ Oxford bank, Goose Lake boat launch and GLWD website
- ROLL CALL – Jeff Spitzer-Resnick, Bill Fitzgerald, Don Homan. Onie Karch, Absent Chuck Quick. Guests- Timple;s,Billing’s, Andy Hesselbach, Malemed’s
- AGENDA APPROVAL – Motion to approve agenda by Bill Fitzgerald, 2nd Onie Karch, approved unanimous
- MINUTES APPROVAL – Motion to approve minutea by Onie Karch, 2nd, Bill Fitzgerald approved unanimous withspelling corrections by Jeff.
- TREASURER’S REPORT – Presented by Bill Fitzgerald Motion to approve treasure’s report by Don Homan 2nd OnieKarch, approved unanimous
- a) Approve expenditures over $500.00, discuss possible future expenditure(s) and notify treasurer of upcoming expenditures of any amount. – None
- b) Discussion on high water/flooding mitigation, including DNR meeting, property owner meetings/contacts, funding sources – Level currently up 48”. There does not appear to be any official record of the historic high water level. Katie (WDNR) has set up an appointment to measure high watermark. Wayne Rajcel has agreed to allow WDNR people w/ Jeff access to his property; he would not allow a pipeline across his property only an open ditch and no water path to his pond. Next step is to set a meeting with Jeff, Wayne, and the Billing’s after which a possible meeting with the Streich property owners.
c) Review and approval of Offer to Purchase land from Town of Jackson for weed harvester and storage and
maintenance building – Motion by Onie Karch to present offer as drafted by Don and Jeff at next Town of
Jackson board meeting, 2nd Unknown, approved unanimous.
- d) Discussion about putting weed harvester storage and maintenance building construction out for bid – Don isworking on. Cannot complete until land acquired.
- e) Report on weed harvesting – Nothing new to report.
- f) Report on pier installation signage and installation of ramp – Not yet done.
- g) Review draft annual budget – SEE ABOVE
- h) Discuss Goose Lake summer condition – Appears to be receding for now.
- i) Set Annual meeting location and agenda – Request to property owner made by Don and approved. Jeffworking on agenda will get to Don this week. Dan Timple arranging for tent and about 30 chairs.
- j) Any other new business — None
- a) Review Annual Duty Schedule for action items and additions – None
- b) Review GOAL/ACTION item(s) from management plan, prioritize and set schedule as needed – None
- c) Any other old business – None
IX. OPEN FORUM FOR PUBLIC INPUT followed by adjournment Motion to adjourn 7:30 P.M. by Onie Karch, 2nd Bill
Fitzgereld, approved unanimous